Quick and easy: Sign up and receive applications immediately.
Mowing the lawn, watering plants, weeding, laying out flower beds & many other tasks
Over 60,000 satisfied households
Register for free, create an advert & have gardening work done
You create a free job offer and describe what kind of help you need.
Create job offerYou will receive suitable applications within a short time and can get in touch if you are interested.
You choose the person who best suits your requirements.
I am very satisfied with our domestic help from Haushaltshilfe24. She is punctual, quick, reliable and works very accurately.
Our domestic help for our mother's garden is very independent, reliable, professional and knows a lot about plants. We are pleased to have found someone like this on Haushaltshilfe24.
On Haushaltshilfe24 we found a reliable, very thorough and quick domestic help for our holiday flat. We are happy with her flexible, hard-working, friendly and cheerful manner.
Since 2007 we have been successfully bringing people together in the areas of domestic help, childcare, pet care, tutoring, elderly care and gardening help.
Detailed profiles with CV, references and photos
Reviews and ratings
Secure messaging function within the platform
Reliable customer service
we help private individuals and companies to find reliable cleaning staff
registered domestic helpers
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