
How do I report a user?

It is important to us that Haushaltshilfe24 remains trustworthy and safe for all users.

While we do proactive profile checks, in rare cases we may publish content that has not yet been checked. Therefore, we are grateful to you for helping us to make our platform safer.

To report an inappropriate profile:

  1. Log into your account at Haushaltshilfe24.
  2. Go to the profile/job offer you want to report.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the open profile/job offer and click "Report a problem or block user".
  4. Then select the option "Report as inappropriate" and follow the instructions.

Please describe exactly why you are reporting the user. The more information we receive, the more we can do.

The profile you report will then be thoroughly reviewed and our customer service will take further action accordingly.