Maid wanted in Gemeinde Amlach? Find one now

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Cleaning jobs in Gemeinde Amlach →
We found 3 profiles for you.


€ 15 / hour

Putzen garten hausaufsicht reinigung ferienhaus zimmer



€ 13 / hour

Alles was muss in eine haus zum putzen dass kann ich machen.



€ 25 / hour

Arbeit um das Haus. Gartenpflegen. Technische Wartung, Kleinreparaturen. Schwimmbadtechnik. Mit meiner Partnerin führen wir den kompletten Haushalt auch langfristig. Putzen, kochen usw.

Maid wanted in Gemeinde Amlach? Find one now

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Find the perfect maid in your neighbourhood. Here you can find a selection of housemaids, gardeners and craftsmen who can help you with the general household chores as well as with cleaning, washing, ironing, gardening, house-sitting and repairing of things. It is important to have a clean home, a garden which is looked after, a house-sitter in case of absence and clothes which are freshly washed and ironed. In this selection you will find private house maids in any states of Austria (Vienna, Wien, Lower Austria, Niederösterreich, Upper Austria, Oberösterreich, Styria, Steiermark, Tyeol, Tirol, Carinthia, Kärnten, Salzburg, Vorarlberg, Burgenland) sowie in allen grösseren Städten (Wien, Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Villach, Wels, Sankt Pölten, Dornbirn, Bregenz, Klagenfurt, Eisenstadt).